Welcome to my first blog post on Joyful Souls! I am so pleased that you are here and reading this. I am planning to make this website and Joyful Souls Coaching a place where we can all meet and support each other as individual souls on our journeys.
I want this to grow into a lighthouse that welcomes people who feel totally lost at sea, lost in the darkness, lost in the waves of their emotions and confusion. I and others will welcome them in with lots of love, compassion and support. In time, these beautiful souls will shine their own lights so brightly and they will inspire others to follow and step into their own light.
Under divine guidance, Joyful Souls will serve as a guiding light for people who are going through the HUGELY transformative process of awakening spiritually. I personally was forced into a spiritual awakening by the divine powers that be after a series of traumatic events in my life. Part of this process was learning what self-love really meant. The concept of self-love was so new to me, it completely changed my life. I was finally able to get out of the storm I was in for most of my life; the storm I didn't even realise I was in. I could also see much more clearly how I had failed to love myself in the past and also how people around me were unconsciously repeating the same patterns I once was. This is what inspired me to become a self-love coach because I genuinely believe that one of the greatest curses that can befall someone is the inability to love themselves.
Never previously interested in spirituality, my forced awakening catapulted me into my dark night of the soul where I was plonked on an accelerated treadmill of healing, emotional purging, ego death and a frightening spontaneous Kundalini activation. I felt like I was being stalked by constant signs, synchronicities and repeating numbers. I suddenly became interested in chakras, crystals, dimensions. Meditation was my new thing.
I was divinely guided to so many people, resources and support that my soul knew I needed at the right time. I knew that I was never alone and I always received signs and confirmations that I was always being divinely guided and divinely protected. Now I feel that I am being divinely guided to start Joyful Souls Coaching. I feel that there are souls who need my love, support and guidance now. I know that Joyful Souls will grow into something beautiful and I feel so privileged to be able to help create it.
I would love to hear any comments you have. You can either leave comments publicly on this page or feel free to message me privately through the contact me page.
Until my next blog post -
So much love, light and joy to you all
#spirituality #kundalini #love #chakra #meditation #spiritualawakening #egodeath #darknightofthesoul #coaching #selflove #selflovecaoching #ascension #5d
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