During a spiritual awakening many of us are guided to love ourselves more. Why is this so and how does it form the foundation for Inner Union?
I reflected upon this during my nightly 3am "can't sleep" sessions. The 3D construct of "union" is often based around the idea of "give and take". It could be in terms of a romantic union between two people, a community, a religious group, a student body or even a group representing employees. Whatever the purpose of the union, there is the idea of the self joining with others so that the collective can benefit. There is perceived strength in numbers.
In order to be part of this union there are usually conditions attached; it could be a monthly fee, or the requirement to have certain beliefs, belong to certain institutions, or the expectations of gifts, money and even sex in the case of a romantic union. The idea of not being in a union often brings feelings of fear, anxiety and even shame, depending on the type of union.
The whole self is not accepted unconditionally in these types of 3D unions. You are accepted with conditions placed upon you. If you do not meet the expectations you will no longer be part of the union. This in fact causes greater inner disunion and fragmentation.
Sadly, we have come to associate a union with something outside of ourselves. Something we need to survive and give us strength. It invariably means we have to mould ourselves to be accepted. We are not accepted unconditionally for who we are. On a subconscious level the part that is not accepted by the union becomes rejected by others and by ourselves.
So for us the concept of self-love and union often feels counterintuitive. How can I love myself whilst also being in a union. What if I am not good enough? What about all my "bad" parts? How can I be in union with my rejected parts?
An Inner Union differs completely from the 3D construct of union. Inner union is the collapsing of all separation and rejection within yourself. It is the complete, unconditional acceptance and validation of all parts of yourself. It is loving all parts of yourself unconditionally. Love is the opposite of fear and union is the opposite of separation.
The only way to achieve inner union is through self-love. By collapsing the separation and duality of your masculine and feminine energies, your light and dark sides, your conscious and subconscious, your soul and ego, all of which have been forced to separate through fear, only then can you achieve true inner.
Inner union is the collapsing of all parts of yourself back into the singularity, back into oneness. You are putting yourself back together through self-love, after it has been separated through fear. Without self-love, there is no inner union. The greater the self-love, the stronger and more stabilised the inner union.
Ironically the stronger your inner union with yourself, the greater your outer union is too. You learn to give to others unconditionally and from a place of love. You begin to realise that we are all the same, and doing good to others is doing good to yourself too. Separation between the self and others starts to dissolve and you are able to appreciate that we are all one collective energetic body.
Compassion for others goes hand in hand with self-compassion. Love for others goes hand in hand with self-love.
I hope you found this helpful and inspiring.
Until next time,
with so much love and light
Areej x
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